LOL: Will Faker retire after Worldds 2022? Everything we know so far

The professional career of players not only League of Legends, but also of other games, is not usually very long. The main reason why many pro players who participated in the beginning of the competitive scenarios of their respective games have retired is the constant changes that games suffer from updates, stress derived from this issue and also the demanding rhythm of life, which constant includes training long and other difficult routines. With the defeat of T1 to DRX in the grand final of Worlds 2022, the LOL community wonders again: Will the three-time world champion decide to retire?

Faker's future after the 2022 World Cup

Faker's contract with T1 ends in just 15 days and the defeat in the World 2022 final inevitably makes fans of the player think that a possible retirement can come out there is no evil, but often accompanied by Sadness, as many fans would like to see the medium winning a world tournament again.

Faker's However, the reality is that Faker is quite likely to continue to play competitively in 2023, and that he can follow even for a few more years.

In no recent Faker interview, the medium mentions the possibility of hanging the mouse and keyboard. According to Sports. Khan, the player's father told a South Korean journalist that the Korean that Sang-Hyeok wants to play until he was 30. In addition, LS, who almost became T1 coach Two seasons stated in a live oadcast: I don't think Faker will retire, he has decided that he still wants to play for a long time..

In addition, on several occasions Faker spoke about the importance of age for pro players, relating this issue to gain experience. He did this in an interview with Horizon, Never and also Global Invent. These statements have no indefinite expiration date, but they seem to reinforce the player's intention to stay for some time in the professional elite .

Finally, although compulsory military service in South Korea is usually a reason for forced retirement among South Korean professionals of League of Legends, Faker seems to be exempt from not having completed high school in his home country.

The truth is that in the end only Faker knows-you know-what will happen to your future. The player seems to be satisfied with his life as a professional and the money has never been able to get him out of T1, which means that if he continues to play, he must remain in the organization.
