New World: Level 60 and what now? 7 things that you can do in the endgame

The first players have already reached the maximum level of 60 innew world. They start so slowly into the endgame of the MMOS. But what does New World actually offer there? How will you spend the time later? We from Meinmmo tell you.

The way to Level 60 can take some time. There are a variety of ways to levels, such as quests, dungeons, events or the PVP. In this article we dealt with what is exactly due to Level 60.

Maximize Life Skills

What offers New World at Life Skills? New World offers 17 different crafting skills that you can levels until level 200. And that s exactly what costs tremendous time.

Alone to bring one of the collective skills like lumberjack or mining to the maximum level, should cost between 40 and 80 play hours. So you can deal with the collective skills at least 200 hours, with just eating the fishing most of the time.

Who then wants to bring all LIFE skills to the maximum level, will invest a lot of gold, especially in the manufacturing professions, or have rare materials in tedious small work.

Alone here is already a huge potential to spend hundreds of hours in New World.

Legendary equipment get

Getting equipment about crafting: Who wants to play his character perfectly, needs the matching equipment. She gets her, especially in the armor, at the targeted about crafting.

Here, weapons and armor of rarity can be epic 5 and partly even legendary weapons and armor. These legendary objects include:

The spear The fire rod The ice lunches Legendary gloves

Weapons get about special quests: Some legendary objects you only get over quests. For this you have to reach the area Bruchberg and the stage 20 in the respective arms control. In addition, certain quests already require prerequisites from other areas.

For the quest around the legendary weapons you have to defeat elite opponents and open chests in the appropriate area.

Legendary s About Dungeons Get: The third method is repeated by the dungeon The Garden of Origin . This is a dungeon designed for level 60 players.

The drops here are completely random. You can get equipment in green and purple level, but with very good luck just Legendary s.

Guides to New World on Meinmom:

Everything about the PVE in New World With these 3 tricks you earn the fastest Taler New World Guides: All tips, tricks and builds in the overview

Explore the world and levels

What is there to discover? Admittedly, the world of New World is rather small compared to many other MMOs. But the game offers many Points of Interests , places that you can discover and where you often expect small challenges such as bosses or elite mobs.

In addition, New World offers a number of side quest that you must find first. You can earn these materials, but also useful equipment.

Due to the area call, New World has a system through which it is still worth visiting the low-level areas. Because you can save a lot of money in manufacturing or sales in the trading post. The increase in storage capacity also plays an important role.

More about the area reputation and how your levels should be found in this guide:

Play and enjoy the outdoor postal tower

What is the outdoor post tower? The outpostan storm is a so-called PVEVP mode, in which player fights not only against other players, but also against the environment. Two teams each come with 20 players against each other and try to take each other out of the outpost.

The goal is to achieve 1,000 points. However, there are different ways and strategies:

You can collect resources in the area and thus strengthen your outposts You can summon mighty NPCs that help you conquer an outpost You can kill bosses and get bonuses and freeze the points of the opponents You can kill other players

Why you should play him? The outpostan storm is a very entertaining PVP mode and a good change to the wars around the territories in New World. Unfortunately, first player of level 60 can participate in this mode.

Nevertheless, he enjoys a lot of fun and also brings some useful rewards at the end.

An insight into the mode delivers the presentation video of the developer:

Experience invasions

What are invasions? The invasions are the counterpart to the wars around fortresses only as PVE mode. At regular intervals, the corrupted a fortress attack and try to conquer them in waves.

If the PVE enemies succeed, then there are penalties for the settlement. Defend your successful, then there is gold and useful loot as a reward.

However, invasions can also be entered only by 50 players. 10 of which sets the controlling guild, while the other 40 players are randomly drawn from the registered.

You can learn more about the invasions here: New World: Invasions are the crowning of the PVE events - so they run off.

Speedruns or Low Player Runs in Dungeons

How do the dungeons work in New World? Currently, New World 6 offers expeditions that you can do with a group of 3 to 5 players.

The first expedition - the Amrhein excavation - is already available at Level 25. After that, it continues in 10 s increments in the Level. The toughest dungeons - the Lazarus instrument and the garden of the origin - are then designed for players at Level 60.

A first insight into the dungeons and the concept behind it gets you in a video of the developers:

What can you do in the end game? In addition to the fact that two dungeons can only play in the endgame, it is customary for MMOs that the players try to do them as quickly as possible or with as few players as possible.

Since you also get legendary items in the garden of the origin, a fast completion of it is even helpful for your own equipment.

In wars fight territories

What are wars? The wars are the heart of the final games of New World. Here, two factions each with 50 players fight for control over a territory on the server.

To start a war, the attacking faction must first influence influence in the special area. For this you can attack the forts about the open world. If there is enough influence, a war can be explained. When exactly this takes place, however, the defending faction can set in advance.

If the time of war is reached, the attackers try to storm the fortress of defenders. First of all, it is important to take conquest points outside the fortress before the gates can be destroyed and the interior can be conquered.

The defenders, in turn, are able to defend themselves with siege weapons and so try to keep the points neutral and protect the gates.

A war takes 30 minutes. If the attackers do not manage to conquer the fortress during this time, then they remain in possession of the defenders.

Who wants to look at such a war, finds a good video here:

Why are the wars so important? The owners of a territory determine the expansion of the respective settlement and can also charge fees for crafting, trade and rent of the houses. So if you check a territory, there has the full control there.

There are currently 11 areas that can control the companies. There will be a steady fight between the political groups around these areas. That s exactly what the wars in the endgame is so interesting.

More about the PVP in New World on Meinmom:

The EndGame PvP from New World has a problem: It excludes players without great guild New World: 7 tips that make you a better PVP player New world: 3 strong PVP builds that you should definitely try

Bonus tip: The way is the goal

In this overview, we declared you that the players can do everything in the endgame. But New World is not the classic MMO, in which you should quickly get to the Max Level.

The game world offers many interesting and pretty landscapes, the life skills can already be bonded before Level 60 and even at the wars can be participated in your accession to a faction (approximately by Level 9).

New World invites you to let your time and enjoy the game. This overview should only give you an insight into what is waiting for you in the endgame.

If you want to lie very fast, you will find a guide here:

New World: So you quickly reach the Max Level 60 in the new MMO
