LOL: Qiyana laughs at the rival with this play and his invisibility

League of Legends is full of players with great level , and much more with the best players in the world on the same server as a result of the worlds 2021 . Every day of the week we can see amazing plays and outplays that leave us with our mouth open, just like moments that has taken us more than one laugh . This time we will see a mixture of the two in which a qiyana is involved, a tryndamere and above all, a trundle that seemed to be more lost than a dragon in the twisted forest.

This play has shared the user Sharknadod through Reddit and already collects more than 2 thousand upvotes . The play begins with qiyana in the upper lane facing a Tryndamere that does not seem to be very much how fighting the Empress of the Elements, which was thrown full for him. After an arduous fight between both players and with the murderer at little life after the fight, trundle was ready to get rid of her with a pillar and a bite ... but unfortunately from the jungle Play did not end as expected.

The Top 10 Esports Players Of All Time When Trundle approached the champion, it used the W of her to choose the element of the vegetation to be able to become invisible and play with him to avoid the bite of it. It is here when she began the bullfighting King Troller , who spent 10 seconds chasing a Qiyana who did not stop entering and get out of her s invisibility. From one moment to another, the murderer of the direction change elements before Trundle was given and causing the jungle to throw flash and its definitive , in addition to his smite. finally, the midlaner would be so quietly Based, while Trundle was still looking for Qiyana, thus closing the sad story of poor trol in the game.
