The enigmatic game of platforms and puzzles, Aspire: INA s tale, leads us to escape a tower of dreams

Aspire: Ina s Tale It puts us in the leather of our protagonist, INA, that wake up after being immersed in an eternal dream in the tower , a living structure, which feeds on its own dreams and from which You will have to escape while discover the reason for your captivity . A very aesthetic game that reminds us of some aspects to fantastic gray.

INA and the Tower form a link that we must discover The game does not seek to tell INA salvation, but how she discovered in what she could become. This adventure of platforms and puzzles in 2d , leads us to explore mysterious Puts loaded with beauty , while resolving puzzles and we overcome the different challenges of skill. INA will meet interesting characters and each step towards the end will take us away from innocence .

We will explore mysterious places loaded with beauty The tower is the other great protagonist in a story, full of different levels divided into different regions , each with its own characteristics. INA and the Tower form a link that we must discover, where a form the reality of the other and the hopes of our protagonist sacnate the appetite of the giant, a place where each inhabitant will help us in our search for the truth .

INA powers could be the reason for the captivity of it of it and we will have to use them to open our way through the tower, manipulate objects, find hidden messages and solve puzzles, while we explore for Achieve finding the output . Aspire: Ina s Tale will arrive in December of this year to PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
