Raore 2 multiplayer, released when preparing

Multiplayer of has announced that the multiplayer is being developed. However, it was necessary to make a time forever.

On September 26, the Natotint has conducted a fan community event called Last of Earthday . The series was the eighth anniversary of the launch of 2021, because the date is the date of the game Story Virus. Through the event, Natotox released the LP soundtrack of Lao 2 and Joel s new figures, but did not mention the details of new works.

However, it was recognized that Multiplayer was being developed through the publication of the official homepage that came up with the same day.

What are you doing now, What are you doing now as a Lao> What are you doing now as a Lao , What are you doing now? I want to play multiplayers of Lao 2. In short, it is now developed .

The story about the multiplayer of earlier has come steadily. Natotints wanted to deal with multiplayer at the time of launching , but Single play was the largest project in history. But, it is not part of <Lao 2 . Multiplayer is implied that it will come in a standalone format.

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In June 202, the official website of the official homepage did not reveal the correct title, but the first standard of the studio was developed by the Multiplayer Game. Even afterwards, you have been steadily sparing developers through Twitter. Many of them were associated with multiplayer.

However, the game playback is still needed to be time. If you are ready, you will be ready for more. I was busy maintaining the team after launching, and I am currently in progress of multiplayer. It is noted that you are qualified! That is, the multiplayer of is definitely being developed, but it is a story that it is necessary to complete the time.
