Diablo 2 Resurrected: So your character is efficiently leaned at level 99

An action RPG like Diablo 2 Resurrected can be played very differently. While sometimes one just wants to play through all the file once, there are others who want to bring their characters to the maximum level 99 and equip the best possible way.

The latter goal for you means an experience point grind, which has it in itself. And that is not only due to the high number of steps that your masters must, but also in some peculiarities of Diablo 2 experience pointing system.

Colleague Nobbie had already summarized all the subtleties of this experience point system and difficulty levels in the following articles:

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Game difficulties (and how they affect) Diablo 2 Resurrected: Experience (and what you need to know about it)

In this article we want to betray you now what insights you should pull from the articles and what content should be repeatedly addressed to your level to achieve as efficiently as possible level 99.

with friends or alone on level 99?

The experience point system of Diablo 2 Resurrected is built so that potentially more XP an hour is beckons, the greater your group. Say:

With eight group members, the monsters are most strongest, but also give the most experience points. The experience points are divided into multiplayer games on all the close players in the group, but they are also much faster. Waving the most experience points when all characters have approximately a comparable character level. However, it can be worthwhile to draw yourself from a high-stage character if it makes the Malus with the higher kill tempo or if you just want to quickly go through one or all file nozzles. To benefit from the experience points defeated opponents, you have to be in the same area (maximum two screen widths away). Most XP also wave from opponents that have a comparable level as your character (up to 5 steps more or less). If the difference is greater, there s an XP malus. Attention: If you die on the level of difficulty nightmare or hell, you lose a lot of experience points.

Where should I go with which level?

Depending on your character level, there are some challenges in Diablo 2 Resurrected, which prove particularly efficient:

Level 1 to 15 : Tristram runs in act 1 on normal (plays act 1 until your tristram reaches. Done there all monsters. Starts a new game. You need the quest The search for Cain and the Waypoint Field of Stones .) Level 15 to 20 : Gräber-Runs in Act 2 on normal (travels to the last waypoint and clean there all seven graves. Then start a new game.) Level 20 to 25 : Cowlevel Runs or Diablo Runs in Chaos Sanctuary from Act 4 (because at the beginning nobody can open the cowlevel.) Level 25 to 39 : Baal Runs in Act 5 on Normal Level 39/40 : Complets Baal again and switches to nightmare. Play through all the file. Level 40 to 59 : Baal Runs in Act 5 on nightmare Level 59/60 : Doing again Baal and switches to hell. Play through all the file. Level 60 to 99 : Baal Runs in Act 5 on Hell

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