Valorant uncovers his new recon arms skins

Riot Games, creators of League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, have made public the new Skins for Valorant, who will arrive here August 24 to the video game store. game usual, these gamepects of weapons are not an advantage for the player who carries them, game it is cosmetic objects. Recon is a product line with military cut and more realistic designs, which work for these weapons:

  • Phantom.
  • Balisong (Body Fan Razor)
  • Ghost. Specre.
  • Guardian

The package will cost 7,100 PV (game currency) and will enter the following changes:


  • Level 1: Personalized model and personalized grid by pointing for the sights.
  • Level 2: Random side accessories (do not change the game experience or give advantage; They are only cosmetic elements).
  • Level 3: Random lower accessories (do not change the game experience or give advantage; they are only cosmetic elements).
  • Level 4: emblem of murder.
  • Variant 1: Red camouflage.
  • Variant 2: Blue camouflage.
  • Variant 3: green camouflage.

Balisong (Bloody Fan Razor)

  • Level 1: Custom model.
  • Level 2: Animation with personalized sounds.
  • Variant 1: Red camouflage.
  • Variant 2: Blue camouflage.
  • Variant 3: green camouflage.

Sean Marino, artistic director of Valorant, recalled that during development they experienced with accessories in a similar way to seeing in military simulators and realistic shooters. However, this experience did not reach the final game. For the developer, this cosmetic pack is its way of capturing the fantgamey of a more traditional modern shooter and having more like weapons than can be seen in combat today.

The study hgame been inspired by games such game Pubg or Rainbow Six , but the creative process, marine, hgame required a lot of time watching videos of tricks with navajgame fan, game well game analyzing how they have been implemented them in other titles.

Valorant is available at Exclusive for PC game video game Free-to-play, that is, free but with microtransractions.
