The SSD of PS5 will lead with "Instant Scene Changes" - Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate DEV - to have never-behaved gaming experiences - Ultimate - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews UN

The producer Tomohiko Sho refers to the SSD of the PS5 as "great improvement of comfort".

How much difference will cause hardware improvements for next-generation consoles, we can not do theorization yet. There is a lot talked about how PS5 and Xbox Scarlett can improve the game design and development processes with their specifications, but how much of it is actually true, we will not find out yet. On the paper, however, there are many reasons to get up.

Neverwinter Storyteller's Journals Explained The SSD of the PS5 has been an issue for the whole city since its announcement, in which it can help you with different aspects of development. Another developer who is pleased about the potential of the PS5 is Tomohiko Sho of Omega Force, director and producer of the upcoming Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate. In the interview with Gamingbolt, Sho said that he calculates significant improvements in SSDS with loading times and game streaming.

"I think the concept of shop, as we know it is currently, will disappear almost or completely," he said. "Of course, this is a great improvement in comfort and we hope for an unprecedented gaming experience that is possible by immediate scene change."

In the same interview, SHO also spoke with us about the Zen 2-CPU of the PS5 and the advantages that should result in it. Read more about that here.

Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate launches PS4 and Switch on December 19th in Japan and the West on February 14 next year. Our complete interview with Sho will soon be live, so it remains on it.

Tags: Koei-Tecmo, Nintendo Switch, Omega Force, PC, PS4, PS5, Sony, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate, Xbox One
