The expansion of the Wastelander from Fallout 76 delayed again until the 14th of April

Wait a bit on the wasteland.

Years later I imagine it could really be something you can look back fallout 76. The game has a bizarre, almost surreal history. The start of the game was shaped by problems, and then it almost seemed like a self-parody with all the different catastrophes that would surround the game. For Bethesthas favor, they have tried to fix the title to the best forces, which in a certain way succeeds in other less. One of the biggest updates is ödländer, an extension that promises to emulate a single player ausflausffall filled with a complete story and NPCs. Well, in what has become classic fallout 76 mode, this expansion has delayed again.

As announced on the official Twitter that you can see below, employees who are now working on home from Covid-19 concerns have made pressure from home öhländer back a week. Of course, this is not a problem of the game itself or his staff (it is also a reasonable measure, all in all), but it seems that this game is sometimes cosmic cursed.

Fallout 76 is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Öhländer will be published on these platforms on April 14th. Tagged with: Bethesda, Bethesda Games Studios, Fallout 76, PC, PS4, Xbox One
