Fallout 76 Camp Tips: 14 Tips for building the best base
Here is exactly what you need to know to a C.A.M.P. to inspire the wasteland
The best fallout 76 camp requires a lot of work to collect resources, blueprints and everything. A few tips that accompany you on this way will make it much easier. To know which locations work best, which plans there are all, let alone you should find and where you get everything is easier. And that's before you have done about defense, agriculture, and so on. In the near future, we will provide all the important information to build the best Fallout 76 camps. This really covers some of the advanced aspects of the camp structure. So if you are an absolute newcomer, our fallout 76 camp tips can help you more.
When you build a house in Fallout 76, you should probably consider what you want it. Build a statement to show other players how important you are? A functional basis for stage missions of. Or just a place where you store garbage and fix things? Consider what you want to achieve, and then read on how to build the best fallout 76 camp
1. Collect everything if you build
Here is an aspect, but we can not emphasize enough: Get the entire garbage you find, especially when he contains something you need. Junk is far more valuable in Fallout 76 than ever before and you will later force yourself into your knees if you do not often loot junk. In the later phases of the game you will probably have more than enough wood and metal to build all these things, but at the beginning or when they expand, they will absorb everything for materials.
2 . Budget, budget, budget!
Since Fallout 76 is a multiplayer mode, Bethesda has implemented various options to keep the number of objects and objects low on each server. One of them is the camp budget. There is no quantifiable version of the budget. It's just a bar that appears in your HUD when you are in the creation mode. The more objects you place, the further your budget is filled until you can not do anything anymore. The game does not tell you which objects and building blocks more for your budget costs or how much more you can place until it is full, you just have to have an eye on it and find out when you will reach the limit. Towers, however, seem to absorb most of what we can say.
3 . Build smarter, not harder
Due to the often annoying budget, the construction of a medium-sized house is not really possible with all its workbands, generators and defenses. For this reason, you have to build smarter, rather than get bigger and wider. Complete everything you build and place things as close as possible, so that no unused place remains in your modest accommodation. What does it benefit from crossing a huge open space to get to your workbands from your stash just because it may look a bit better?
4 . Bungalows are the way forward
Similarly, they should not worry about stairs. Or, in this case, keep everything you often use on one floor and everything that is obvious up or down. You can only run up the stairs up and down to get back from your weapons workbench to your hiding place to your armor workbench. Keep everything important nearby so you can easily turn around or take a few steps to the side to keep your thinking process on running. These few seconds saved each time mean more time for exploring Appalachen, right?
5 . Give your towers the height
It's over, Wild Ghule! WE HAVE THE HIGH GROUND! Would yell their towers when they have the ability to express their thoughts and form words. As in Star Wars, High Ground is the keys for their automated defenses in Fallout 76, otherwise they can quickly crowded and they need to spend countless resources for repairing their towers after each attack. Instead, place your towers on the roof of your house and let them go to the city from afar with all the enemies. Trust us, we learned that on the hard tour.
6 . Build on a wall if possible
If you build in mountainous terrain or in your area only a high terrain is located, on the enemies can not rise as on a fence, they will build against it. In this way, you do not have to spend resources to make the tail of your base look pretty as it will see anyone anyway. This also means that they have one direction less to be careful when enemies are nearby, and that they can concentrate all their protective powers on the more open areas. Just make sure that your enemies can not get auf otherwise you jump on your roof and the previous point that you never have to repair your protective powers is controversial.
7 . Select the required bonus cards to enrich your camp
If you try to make your camp an attractive place of residence, you should have the right bonus cards. Center defense is a must; It allows the construction of heavy machine guns that are considerably more powerful than the standard guns. Further improvement is unlocked firing and shotgun gaps. The contractor reduces the cost of the objects created in your camp with each step by 25%, while Happy Camper and HomeBody are both passive bonuses. The former means that hunger and thirst increase slower while they are in their camp while homebody does the same, but heals their health.
8th. Workshops offer consistent resources
You may ask yourself about what the public workshop distributed on the map, as it can be used by other players and the possession is temporarily temporary until they unsubscribe. It's not worth it to build on it. However, if they are fighting for resources, workshops offer different places where they can harvest certain craft components. All you have to do is to kill all enemies nearby and then pay 25 caps to claim it. You can then build different machines to harvest and reduce the specific bags of things. Make sure you drive back quickly when your workshop is attacked and eliminate the enemies.
9 . The WhitesSpring offers free protection
We mention this in our Fallout 76 Camp beginner tips, but it is not to be underestimated: If you are looking for an almost completely secure location on the Fallout 76 card, go to the WhiteSpring. You can build on the golf course, which surrounds the huge resort, and it has a number of advantages. The country is very flat, so you do not have to worry about embarrassing terrain when building. It is open so you can see all enemies that may have penetrated into the site. Most importantly, the whitespring robots are patrolled at certain points in the perimeter after enemies. Our favorite place is located on the west side north of a small stone bridge. There is almost always a Sentry bot, Assaultron and a few protectrons who guard a hole in the wall here, helping to ward off all enemies too close. Her protective pins are hardly used.
10 . I do not like Golf. Where else should I build?
If you are not interested in setting up a whitespring shop, you may want to ask yourself where otherwise the best accommodations are located. There is no definitive answer, as everything depends on it, after which you are looking for. You just started and have not many plans yet? Looking for a place in the Forest region where you can build a small starting accommodation ideally close to a river to get dirty water and cook it. Travel frequently and quickly about the map and from different quest targets? Choose a place near the center, as the quick arrival to your camp is completely free. So you save CAP costs if you sign up about your camp every time. Do you reach the higher levels and you can consistently make strong enemies? In the regions Mire or Cranberry Bog you will find the toughest enemies, so you can manage them frequently.
11 . Focus on the essentials when you start build
If you are someone who really likes to make a house to a home, keep away from the wall and floor decoration for a while. Get the basics of your base and make sure you build one of every single workbench: weapon, armor, chemistry, cooking and crafting. Find space for you all together with a bed and its stash box, and then make sure it looks nice inside. It does not make sense to have a beautiful bear fur carpet at the entrance and a Vault Boy statue outside to welcome other travelers if they do not have the most essential.
12 . Go to Garrahan Mining HQ and finish the mine miracles to unlock the Power Armor Station
While you are likely to find plans for all other workbenches and production stations as you explore Appalachia, the Power Armor Station is with which you may have to fight. This is a key element that allows you to make more power armor without having to travel to another resistant location for Fallout 76 power armor around the world. To get it, you have to go to the Garrahan Mining HQ in the southeastern corner of Ash Heap. If you explore the place, you may need to make the excavator power armor for which a lot of black titanium is required. When you create the entire set and scan the Power Armor Station in the building, you will be rewarded with the Power Armor Station Plan. This is the only guaranteed way to get it and it will complete your camp.
13 . Mark the resources that are missing for the search
If you build something or tinker and the required components are missing, you have the opportunity to mark it for the search. This basically means that when browsing containers or canceling garbage, a magnifying glass symbol is displayed next to it when the component you have highlighted is included. In this way, you can easily filter out the goods you needed and not needed your waste. You should pay attention from the beginning to things that contain Ultracite and Black Titanium, as they belong to the rarest materials together with Adhesive, Ballistic Fiber, Fiber Optics and Crystal.
14 . Water cleaners are a constant source for purified water
This may seem obvious, but there were many camps that we have seen near water without water cleaners were set up. Fallout 76 is a survival game. So you have to eat and drink to saturate your character. While you find purified water from looting, you burn it quickly. Build your camp near water and set up a water purifier - ideally an industrial - for a uniform source of purified water. In this way, you do not have to use cooked or dirty water and risk the radiation.
15 Plan your camp moving
The blueprint function basically stores its entire camp as an object. So if you feel like a scene change, you can simply move all at once - just make sure that it fits and does not cross with any terrain. You can also design the structure piece by piece if you want to keep some parts, but others do not. For example, if you have built around the environment.
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