Cyberpunk 2077: Multiplayer still in work? DataMiner discover notes

For launch last year, CD project has been fighting Cyberpunk 2077, especially on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles with numerous technical problems.

In the months after the publication of Cyberpunk 2077, the developers of the studio worked feverishly on updates, which should improve the condition of the role-playing game. In the course of the whole, CD project indicated in the spring that the work on the planned stand-alone multiplayer of Cyberpunk 2077 was set. At that time, we pointed out that our next TRIPLE A project would be a multiplayer cyberpunk game. However, we decided to rethink this now, CD project CEO Adam Kiciński in March 2021 led out .

DataMiner discover evidence of the multiplayer

Maybe the multiplayer component of Cyberpunk 2077 could still be in progress - albeit in a new form. For the relevant rumors, the DataMiner Tyler McVicker provided the current source code of the role-playing game closer. In addition to a revision of the engine, the DataMiner discovered notes on two planned extensions and a multiplayer mode.

on the subject : Cyberpunk 2077: Unbalanced details on DLCS - Quests, Weapons & New Game Plus?

There are also evidence of old multiplayer modes that could indicate the original plans for a cyberpunk -online game. Online modes that players may look forward to have a classic deathmatch mode or cooperative raids.

The notes in the current source code of Cyberpunk 2077 could suggest that CD project indeed took a distance from a stand-alone multiplayer and instead decided to flare the multiplayer modes with appropriate updates the way into the game.

Officially confirmed, however, the whole thing has not been confirmed so far.

Other messages on Cyberpunk 2077.

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